Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
I love shopping at Target EVEN MORE with my precious Ava...
I pray this year... that as I go about the business of life... I will be "busy" greeting others and loving them for Jesus' sake.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
On Our Way
We have sent paperwork to our adoption agency...
By God's grace, we have seen our children...
Our "home study" is complete...
We are on our way...
Please join us as we pray for God's perfect will to be accomplished.
"Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Journey
You will be so blessed! The author of "The Journey" is a young woman whom God has used in a HUGE way to be a blessing to many children in Uganda. She is a blessing to those that hear her stories of God's faithfulness. She is a living testimony of what following Jesus looks like.
Your heart will be blessed. Your faith will be strengthened. Your hope will be renewed.
Most of all... God Almighty WILL BE praised!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Daniel's Story
Before we left to visit Uganda, we began praying (and asked you to pray as well:) that the Lord would show us what He wanted us to do while we were there... that His will would be done during our trip. We knew the need there would be overwhelming, but we were trusting God to show us what He wanted to accomplish through us... we just needed to be faithful and willing.
The day after the "New Year's Eve Celebration" (see earlier post), Gary and the girls and I arrived in the dining room to find our table already set up on the patio, waiting for us. Our friend, Andy, had beat us downstairs (again:) and had struck up a conversation with the young man, Daniel, that had served us breakfast the day before.
Daniel had told Andy that he had seen us on the platform (stage) the night before at the celebration. He told us "he was SO blessed that we were there with the Senyonga's and Christian Life Church." Christian Life is his church.
At breakfast, Gary asked him if there was anything we could pray about for him. He was a little surprised, but said yes, and asked if we could meet him to talk after he was finished working.
We were excited about the opportunity to pray with Daniel. We were MORE excited to see what the Lord had planned!
When we met with him later that afternoon we asked him to share about his life... to tell us "his story". We found out that both of his parents were deceased. He was the oldest son, which makes him responsible for his siblings. He told us that he had become a Christian several years ago, he had gotten married a little over a year ago and had a brand new baby boy. He wanted to go back to the University to get his degree, but did not have the funds. This was one of his prayer requests, his other prayer request was for a better housing situation for his family.
Praying with Daniel was one of "those" moments. We were very aware that God had arranged this meeting. He was leading. He was at work. He was present. We could FEEL the Holy Spirit... it was beautiful.
After Daniel left we all sat in silence for a moment... in complete surrender and awe at what had just taken place. We were humbled. We were exhilarated.
It didn't take long for the Lord to confirm to Gary and I that we would sponsor Daniel to go to the University. We found out that we could arrange his sponsorship through Christian Life Church.
When we told him Sunday after the church service... he was so blessed. But honestly... WE were blessed!
The day we were leaving Uganda, we were honored to visit Daniel and his wife at their home. Their home was humble and tidy and so very... poetic. They were truly happy to have us there. As we visited with them and held their baby boy...
As we walked back to our waiting vehicle, emotions were high. Daniel, with tears in his eyes, wished us all of God's blessings. We hugged him and told him we would miss him. He, too, would miss us.
Now... he and his family are not only our friends... they are a part of our family.
I am so thankful to our loving Father for orchestrating ALL the events that took place in order for us to meet and become friends with Daniel. I thank Him for His FAITHFULNESS.
I want to encourage you... to keep praying, to keep trusting, to keep believing in the One that created you. Our Father in heaven really does care about YOU. He knows your needs, your concerns, your struggles, your dreams... He KNOWS.
The same God that ordained our family to travel half way around the world to Uganda, the same God of the universe that introduced us to Daniel, our Father who knows Daniel's dreams and needs, our Father who has a plan for Daniel's life, a plan that will bring HIM glory... He knows you and loves YOU too.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sights in Kampala
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Prayer Request
If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose." Philippians 2:1-2
Monday, January 12, 2009
I don't EVER want to be the same as I was before...
As I try to get back into the routine of daily life... I struggle. I know it's important to take care of my family... I know it's important to do the laundry, to go to the grocery store, to cook dinner and do the dishes, to drive the children to school and dance and music lessons... I know...
But... my heart longs to return to Uganda... to love on the children we have sponsored and tell them they are special and important. My heart longs to return... to tell those two precious children that God so clearly spoke to our hearts about... that we want them, that we love them, that they haven't been forgotten... that we will care for them.
My heart aches... for the children and the families that wait, and wait, and wait to be together. My heart aches even more... for those that are still on the streets... in the quarries... without family, without food... carrying burdens far greater than they should have to... struggling... to simply survive.
My heart yearns... to do M O R E... more for the children... more for Jesus.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
As we visited an orphan home we were blessed as the children greeted us with song and dance... it was absolutely beautiful! We were able to take pictures and spend time with some very special children. Among these children were a group of "rock quarry" children.
During our time at this home, as the children were singing songs, the Lord spoke to each of our hearts (all 4 of us!) about a particular boy. As I watched him sing and later interact with the others, I had an overwhelming sense... he is my son.
We were each drawn to different girls while we there. But we felt certain our daughter was among them. After we left we could not stop talking about the children! We were debating the reasons "our girl" was the right one. The absolute unity and peace we felt for the boy... was not present for the girl.
The following day Gary, Andy, and the girls decided to take a trip to the mall. For whatever reason... I chose to stay at the hotel. While it was quiet I spent some time praying. That was when the Lord spoke to my heart about a little girl that was among the rock quarry children. A little girl none of us had talked about or noticed particularly while we were visiting the home. I got out my camara and started looking through pictures. My heart just melted... and tears slowly slid down my cheeks. There she was... my little girl.
I was so upset with myself for not taking more pictures of her, for not noticing her while we were there. She had actually come up to me and held my hand! I had so many pictures of her... in the background. She was a friend of the "beautiful girls" and she hung around "our boy" quite a bit too. It FINALLY hit me... of course!... "rock quarry" children!
When my family returned, I shared my heart with them and asked them to pray about her. And then... there was unity and peace in our hearts. We knew. God had shown us our children. He is SO good!
Please pray for us... that we will be faithful, that we will not falter, that we WILL accomplish our Father's will.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I pray we will NEVER be the same again. I pray we will not slip back into our comfortable lives and become dull to what we have experienced. I pray that as I share our stories you will see God's faithfulness and be blessed... that God Almighty will be praised! For it is He that causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love Him!
I thank you for praying for us as we journeyed to Uganda. We have seen God's hand in our journey over and over again. He has heard your prayers!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Making a Home... Becoming Family... and A Birthday
They will not have to eat or do their homework on the floor any longer. Praise God!
"Sisters" in their hearts. Elizabeth enjoyed spending time with her sisters, she did NOT want to leave them.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Beautiful Girls
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sights in Kampala
Children practicing their soccer skills...
Shops lining the streets...
Beautiful children...
A furniture maker...
A determined face...
I thank God for taking us on this journey. I thank Him for Pastor Jackson and Eve Senyonga. I thank Him for allowing us to see their ministry. I praise Him for allowing us to spend time with our beautiful children. Uganda is an amazing place! Glory to God!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The best Field Trip EVER!!
Gary and Enoch are excited about entering the zoo.
After seeing the animals, the children LOVED it when Elizabeth pushed them on the merry-go-round!
Katherine and Vanessa spent a lot of time together. She is our youngest.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Welcome to Adventure Village!
These are our girls!