Friday, March 19, 2010


... that's what I am today.

I think it all started because of the buzz in blog land of the good news in Ug*nda regarding the Visa issue.  The news that the "guy in charge" had approved the judges to write the rulings with the wording that the US requires.  I even received an e-mail from my attorney with encouraging news that a "solution had been reached" and "they are working out the details".  Oh! how exciting! 

Then it happened... opposition.  Of course.  But now it looks like it's coming from the US side of things.  The enemy is really working here.

The up and down, back and forth, messes with me. Some days more than others.  Today is one of those days... and I'm being physcho.

Although I have a list a mile long of things that I should be accomplishing... I am being physcho.  Which means... I am not accomplishing anything.  Not the laundry.  Not the photos I need to edit and prepare to print.  Not touching up the paint.  Not finishing the major clean out of my closet.  Not gathering clothes to take with us when we FINALLY get an e-mail telling us to come get our children.  Nothing... naughta... zilch.

When I'm physcho...  I don't know what to do with myself.... so I end up doing nothing.  And to make this picture very clear to you (just keeping it real)... I have not so interesting conversations with myself about how I should get busy.  I tell myself to get over it.  To go pray.  To go play with my children.  To accomplish one thing on my list. To just DO something.

Today... it's not working. 

Just so you know.


Melissa said...

I am so sorry.

The enemy is at work in adoption all over this world, for some reason he is pushing hard in Uganda. I think he needs a good reminder of our God. So we pray, pray, and pray again. Knowing full well that the Lord hears, and His heart is for the orphan.

Hang in there. Physcho is not a fun place to be.

Unknown said...

What you need is to go for a long run with your friend. :) Love you girl...praying for you.

Maurine said...

I'm sorry sweetheart. Hang in there! Love you