Thursday, November 10, 2011

Are You Available?

I am learning that when it comes to God's calling...

I just need to be available.

He can work through 'available' people.

When He wants to achieve His purpose through you...

when He calls you to be His hands and feet...

be available.

When we are willing to do what EVER He asks of us,

when we are available for Him to use...

instead of being too busy with life and wrapped up in our own plans...

when we say "Here I am, Lord! Send me!"

He WILL use us.

I am amazed that God has allowed our family to be a part of what He is doing in Ug*nda.

I am humbled by all that He is accomplishing through us.

It is a beautiful thing to be in the middle of what God is doing.

Check out what He's doing HERE.

Sunset at Suubi

If you want to be a part of something amazing...

be avaliable.

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